Friday, October 2, 2009

Still simmering.

Yes, sorry folks, the bee is still under my bonnet.

Not quite the 'he didn't say', phone routine, here on this blog., relates to the freedom of women here. The blog entry explains the video.


  1. Well Hil, I've just been on the site you posted concerning Saudi women.
    I can't begin to imagine where one must start, to give even the tiniest bit of freedom (normality to us westerners)to women in this country. The contrast between the way women are viewed and the state of the art lifestyle of most Saudis is hard to understand.
    Knowing you, you must be raging behind your veil or whatever it is you have to wear. But, of course, what can you say, what can you do? They've got it all tied up, haven't they?
    Yours frustratedly,
    your loving sis

  2. fascinating blog- reading the comments on the women driving post is utterly mind boggling...where does one start? or do you even bother? They can only save themselves...
