Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In my wildest dreams.

Tuesday. Jun's day. Yes, Stephen, busting out all over ! Sigh !

I usually clear the decks for Jun, prior to his coming. I figure if I tidy away, that makes his job more efficient, or something like that.

Anyhoo, yes, you know what's coming. The neck. Eratic sleeping pattern left me slightly frayed around the edges and not very bright this morning. So I forgot some of my tidying routine.

I've just got back now and I love walking through the house, opening doors on clean and tidy rooms and smelling the lemon stuff he uses. We haven't really spread out much here and what with the tiled floors it's fairly straight forward to zip through.

I sleep with a few personal items under my pillow.

I have a pair of Matthew's underpants next to a green/grey babygrow of Thomas's and a really cleverly designed red fleece scarf that has white maple leaves printed all over and the two ends are hands with fingers! I can wrap it around myself and give me a hug ! How clever is that?! One of the bestest pressies ever, Jenn !

So I have my long distance family all there each night to be close to. I'm probably going to need to space it out more to under Stephen's pillow when Jezebel arrives!

Yep! Today I forgot to remove them. I usually put them in the wardrobe first thing Tuesday morning, figuring no one else will understand. By the way, the undies and babygrow were items I managed to squirrel away when M, J, and T left our house last August after our holiday.

As I opened the bedroom door just, I spotted them carefully folded on the dressing table, bed changed and ready to jump into.

What on earth must he think?

Daft English?!

So does anyone else have something very important in their beds?!

Remember, this goes out before the watershed !


  1. ha ha ha ha ha laughed my socks off at that!!! x

  2. MATTHEW's UNDERPANTS?!?!?!!!! Ahahahahhahahhaha. How do you sleep with that stench?!?!! Oh you have no idea where they have been...or how infrequently washed (NOT my choice). That is quite a dangerous undertaking (heehee) and I would, for your health of course, recommend that you burn said garment!

  3. NEVER !! Of course they've been laundered ! Son ! Didn't I always tell you to be prepared for being knocked over in the street?! Tsk!

  4. Mum, have those pants not melted the skin off your face yet with the stench!

    Embarassed much, Matt???

