Sunday, October 18, 2009


How could I forget Stephen's guitar!
Way back in '94 his best birthday present accompanied him to Dubai, then home for a spell and then out to Saudi in '96.
He has always strummed and crooned, playing along to Don Williams' 'Tulsar Time' or Rod Stewarts' 'Hot Legs' amongst others.

Definately going - after all this is a signed model! On my last visit Stephen got me to sign this guitar/
Naff ? Yuk ?
Yes kids but that's Mum and Dad.

Finally, we've packed his frying pan.
I'm sure Lucy for one can relate to Stephen's attachement to the pan that gives him the perfect egg!


  1. Thanks for giving us such a strong picture of Stephen's life over these past years. I can just picture his garden full of flowers, his shelves full of golfing trophies and his drinks cabinet full of er..... Full of what, Stephen?
    It could be quite an emotional time at the end of this month. I bet you're glad you'll be on hand with the paper tissues, eh Hil? Or is it perhaps you who'll need them?
    Anyway, over here in Rouen, we're all looking forward to your visit and hope Stephen won't forget his trusty guitar to give us his famous rendering of 'The House of the Rising Sun'.

  2. Ah the perfect egg pan - I can relate too. Once you find one you have to hang on to it!


  3. Gosh I'm tempted to head for Rouen too if that's what going to be on offer!
