Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Having finished the book I brought with me I browsed through the small library in the clubhouse yesterday. Remember the clubhouse is being renovated and the restaurant is now in the lounge (laaynge as Linda Snell would say) (hold the lips open like a horse whinnying)?
I love the idea of you all trying that one out as you read! Laugh out loud, as they say!

I digress. So the library is housed in bedroom number two. Snug! Three walls of books and a computer. One neck crick later, (that is the only thing I don't like about libraries) I emerged triumphant with the three English text books hidden amongst the Swedish titles.

I love a picture book, so I gave a yelp of joy as I found, Decorating With Tiles.
The dedication? To all those who have ever been awed by the possibilities contained in a lump of clay.
Not really me, but it was the only picture book.

Beginning to doubt now that I would find something to read, in English, my hands feverishly tore this title off the shelf when I saw the English text twinkling like a diamond amongst the coal lumps, Make More Friends. The Key To Success.
Page 63, half way down, 'Death is a natural course of events. It is the breaking of a habit - the habit of living. Habits - unfortunately - die hard.
This is going to be a hoot!

Leslie Crowther & Jean Crowther. The Bonus of Laughter. An Autobiography. I'm now reliving the days of Crackerjack ! ! ! ! I loved that show with the cabbages and funny little Peter Glaze. As Leslie was lying unconscious in the neuro-surgery unit at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol his daughter Liz suggested to her Mother that they speak in French to him so that he would be bilingual when he eventually woke up!
You didn't know he'd been in the hospital? Well, you'll just have to get the book to find out why!

So I'm now wondering, if these are the only English text books in this compounds library, what do they say about the British?

We love d.i.y. It's said that we now worship at the church of B&Q on Sundays!

There's a bit of a problem in the friendship department?!
St.Helens is now probably classed as a 'hospitality town'. I bet we have more pubs, clubs and bars than shops! Thursday through to Sunday will see these places teeming with people out with their 'friends' . Do they need alcohol to find friendship?
On Facebook you can boast of having hundreds of 'friends'.

Leslie Crowther? Not sure about this one. Is he a symbol of the need to look back at the rosy coloured past?

I'm now going to put the kettle on, staring at the white kitchen wall tiles, deciding how I would have decorated this compound. (The colours of the Swedish flag, white and pale blue are everywhere here.) Try to figure how I'm going to work that 'habit' quote in to the lunch time conversation with Eoin, the Irish guy and devour a bit more of the rosy hued past with another chapter with Leslie.


  1. Time for a Kindle? (a computer e-book type thing, where you can download books from online and read them on the machine)....oh no, have I just let the cat out of the bag regarding dad's next gadget purchase?


  2. Thanks Son! I did mean to mention here about Librivox a site to go listen to books being read by anybody who fancies it really and it's all for free !
