Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A little light relief.

Coming out of (hopefully, fingers crossed, etc.,) the doldrums of a sore shoulder, the sun shone today!
Well, of course it shines every day here but well, when you're concentrating on an ache it could have snowed an avalanche outside for all I looked at the weather.

To add to that ray of sunshine I tuned in to the BBC, radio 4, Afternoon Play from yesterday and found a touch of whimsy in 'Hoffnung - Drawn to Music".

Matt Lucas, he of the shiny pate, played Gerard Hoffnung. Wished I had my Thesaurus with me, to describe how he played him but anyway, I thought he was spot on.

Not that I know Gerard Hoffnung. I just have some dim and distant memory of Mum and Dad listening/reading ? ! Gerard Hoffnung; a faint recollection of his musical cartoons.

The BBC describe him as a musical humorist.

Poor lad died in his eartly thirties but he sounded to have had a lovely gentle clever humour tied to music.

Cheered me up now end !

Hurry along ! Only 6 listening days left !


  1. I hope your shoulder continues to mend. I'm off to google Gerard Hoffnung!

  2. You might like this :-
    (you thought YOU had a sore shoulder!)
    Thanks for the giggle,
    Penny xxx
