Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What's in a name? !

I'm here in Saudi for Stephen's last month now.
Yes ! 22 days and counting ! !

Consequently everything Saudi must be used up.
I'm really wracking my brains to come up with tasty dishes from sardines, tuna, corned beef, baked beans (they're half water/half sauce here !), sweetcorn, garlic, chickpeas, couscous, eggs and bread.
Any suggestions welcome.
I think we're both bored to tears with my fairy flat cakes !

We had our last Riyadh shopping trip last weekend to use up the funny money.
Travellers should ALWAYS return with interesting bulges in suitcases !

Stephen is a Dixon's groupy.
So each evening is a film fest with all the dvd's he's amassed at airports, coming and going over the years.
NO, they're not coming home, they're that good . . . !

In order to save the credit on my phone I've been using one of Stephen's which has Saudi credit on it. Did I say he was a Dixon's junkie ? !

Today I tried texting him. I've never done it before as I'm usually at home by the house phone.
Today is Tuesday, June is busting out all over at ours, as Stephen cracks, week in, week out.

Cursing down ?! to find Stephen's number I scroll through Babes, Bo, Jun, Rune, Samantha and the wonderful Willy Wong !

I actually have Napolean's number here ! Could I be his Josephine ? !

What we have here folks are Phillipine, Swedish and many countries in between workmates.
Trust me, I've checked them all out.

Why can't Samantha be a boy's name, or Jun? Not crazy about Babes, which is short for Baby Lin, just as bad.

What I'm announcing here in a very long winded way is . . . .

the birth next April, God willing, of grandchild no.4 to Matthew and Jennifer !

Keeping schtumn the past couple of weeks has been murder and to pass the time I've been compiling a list of names for them to peruse.

Please feel free to add any favourites you may have, or indeed, warn them off any hideous mistakes awaiting them.

p.s. What were Willy's parents thinking ? !

p.p.s. List to follow as soon as Stephen has retrieved it from where I put it safely.


  1. So far we appear to be calling this one 'Baby', 'Trevor', 'Tiara' or 'Jezebel'.
    Nothing sticking just yet....

  2. Oh! And pasta with tuna, sweetcorn, chickpeas and a garlicky tomato sauce would be yum!
    And Brick a L'Oeuf immediately comes to mind- a Tunisian specialty (remember how we had tuna with EVERY meal there?)- an egg and tuna basically wrapped in a triangle of pastry. Mmmmm (not).
    OR grilled sardines are nice...?
    Why is it easier to make dinner out of someone else's ingredients?
    What should I do with the pounds and pounds of beets and carrots accumulating in my fridge from our veg box?


  3. weyhey!!!Congratulations on the news of the soon-to-be stopover of the Shacks favourite stork.
    Well done Jenn and Matt.
    Hil, I think you've got an excellent excuse not to do any cooking at all. Can't whip or beat or even stir with a naff shoulder. Why don't you salve your conscience and hand all your cans over to that nice lad who did all your cooking, ironing, floor washing etc and who you haven't mentioned since. (I'm only jealous)

  4. and his brother Roger Wong

  5. congratulations on the prospective grandchild! Where will you based when you get back to Blighty?
    Penny x
